Congratulations to Illinois Tech’s Ethics Bowl Team members
for their dedication and teamwork this semester, and an incredible performance
at the Upper Midwest Regional Ethics Bowl at Illinois Tech this past Saturday.
The team competed against 29 other teams from 20 schools across the Midwest,
answering questions from a panel of judges about a collection of cases the
students have been discussing since the beginning of the semester.
The Illinois Tech team members who competed on Saturday are Sarah
Davila (CAEE, 1st year) and Antonio Archilla (CHBE, 1st
year). The team had incredible support from their fellow team members of QED:
The Ethical Debaters, who helped in preparing for the event and running the
The Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl is an academic competition
with rules and procedures designed to model the best approaches to reasoning
about practical and professional ethics. Created and developed by IIT
Philosophy Professor Robert Ladenson, the IEB has spread to include well over
150 teams from all over the United States and Canada.
QED: The Ethical Debaters is a club dedicated to discussing
current ethical topics in the news and has a number of events planned for next
semester including movie nights, guest speakers, and mini ethics-bowl
competitions. If you are interested in learning more about QED, please visit
our HawkLink page, or you can join our Google Group at